汽车工程 ›› 2021, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 136-144.doi: 10.19562/j.chinasae.qcgc.2021.01.018

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  1. 1.山东理工大学交通与车辆工程学院,淄博 255000
    2.一汽解放青岛汽车有限公司研发部,青岛 266043
  • 收稿日期:2020-08-28 出版日期:2021-01-25 发布日期:2021-02-03
  • 通讯作者: 于曰伟 E-mail:yuyuewei2010@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Pitching‑Plane Dynamics Model of Heavy Truck Cab Considering Constraints of Guiding Swing Arm

Leilei Zhao1,Yuewei Yu1(),Changcheng Zhou1,Dehui Huang2,Jian Yuan1   

  1. 1.School of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering,Shandong University of Technology,Zibo 255000
    2.FAW Jiefang Qingdao Automobile Co. ,Ltd. ,Qingdao 266043
  • Received:2020-08-28 Online:2021-01-25 Published:2021-02-03
  • Contact: Yuewei Yu E-mail:yuyuewei2010@163.com



关键词: 重型货车, 驾驶室, 舒适性, 俯仰平面动力学模型, 导向摆臂, 约束特性


The traditional cab pitching?plane dynamics model doesn't consider the effects of swing arm guiding mechanism in cab mount, and can only roughly calculate the cab's vertical and pitching responses, but can't analyze its longitudinal vibration characteristics, thus its accuracy is relatively low with limited real engineering application. To enhance the model accuracy and widen its application scope, a cab pitching?plane dynamics model considering the constraint of guiding swing arm is established, and the constraint characteristics of swing arm guiding mechanism are analyzed. On this basis, the dynamics model constructed is verified by road test. The results show that the model constructed has higher accuracy and wider engineering application range, it can more effectively reproduce the real dynamic responses of cab system. Furthermore, the model can be used not only for the analysis of the cab's vertical, pitching, and longitudinal vibration characteristics, but also for the development of the cab mount control strategies considering the cab's longitudinal vibration comfort, as well as for the estimation of the swing angles of guiding arm and shock absorber, and other dynamics parameters of the cab mount system etc.

Key words: heavy trucks, cab, comfort, pitching?plane dynamics model, guiding swing arm, constraint characteristics