汽车工程 ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (12): 2154-2163.doi: 10.19562/j.chinasae.qcgc.2024.12.002
Bo Liu1,2,Yongxin Tang1,2,Yi Wu1,2(),Ziyang Wang1,2,Qin Yang3,Tiegang Hu3,Xiaomin Xu3
Yi Wu
刘波,唐永鑫,伍毅,王紫阳,杨琴,胡铁刚,徐小敏. 一体压铸铝合金车身结构件的轻量化设计研究[J]. 汽车工程, 2024, 46(12): 2154-2163.
Bo Liu,Yongxin Tang,Yi Wu,Ziyang Wang,Qin Yang,Tiegang Hu,Xiaomin Xu. Study on Lightweight Design of Integrated Mega-casting Aluminum Alloy Vehicle Body Components[J]. Automotive Engineering, 2024, 46(12): 2154-2163.
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