Administrator by China Associction for Science and Technology
Sponsored by China Society of Automotive Engineers
Published by AUTO FAN Magazine Co. Ltd.

Automotive Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (3): 382-392.doi: 10.19562/j.chinasae.qcgc.2023.03.005

Special Issue: 智能网联汽车技术专题-感知&HMI&测评2023年

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Analysis of Drivers' Driving Posture Change Rule Under the Condition of Automatic Driving Level Improvement

Qingyang Huang,Xiaoping Jin(),Yikang Zhang   

  1. College of Engineering,China Agricultural University,Beijing  100083
  • Received:2022-09-22 Revised:2022-10-20 Online:2023-03-25 Published:2023-03-22
  • Contact: Xiaoping Jin


In order to study the change rule of driver's sitting posture under the condition of the automatic driving level improvement, this paper calculates the internal target marker points of the human body based on the directly measured human body marker points and constructs a human body model, to determine the joint angles of seven parts of the driver during driving and quantitatively describe the differences between the sitting posture characteristics of automatic driving levels L0 and L3. The results show that after the automatic driving level increasing from L0 to L3, the driver's elbow flexion, chest and abdomen flexion, and knee flexion are increased to varying degrees, leading to the expansion of the activity space and the improvement of the sitting comfort, while the tendency of the back leaning back is deepened, the upper trunk tending to be twisted or compressed, and the back is tired due to insufficient support, reducing the riding comfort. The improvement of automatic driving level changes the driving task, so the driver's sitting posture characteristics also change significantly. This paper can provide an important reference for the research of cab layout and automatic driving function of highly autonomous vehicles.

Key words: autonomous driving, driving posture, joint angle, sitting comfort, body marker points