汽车工程 ›› 2023, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (10): 1791-1802.doi: 10.19562/j.chinasae.qcgc.2023.10.002
所属专题: 智能网联汽车技术专题-控制2023年
Jie Li1,Xiaodong Wu1(),Min Xu1,Yonggang Liu2
Xiaodong Wu
李捷,吴晓东,许敏,刘永刚. 基于强化学习的城市场景多目标生态驾驶策略[J]. 汽车工程, 2023, 45(10): 1791-1802.
Jie Li,Xiaodong Wu,Min Xu,Yonggang Liu. Reinforcement Learning Based Multi-objective Eco-driving Strategy in Urban Scenarios[J]. Automotive Engineering, 2023, 45(10): 1791-1802.
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