汽车工程 ›› 2022, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (11): 1636-1646.doi: 10.19562/j.chinasae.qcgc.2022.11.002

所属专题: 智能网联汽车技术专题-感知&HMI&测评2022年

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  1. 1.合肥工业大学,安徽省智慧交通车路协同工程研究中心,合肥  230009
    2.合肥工业大学汽车与交通工程学院,车辆工程系自适应结构与智能系统实验室,合肥  230009
    3.清华大学车辆与运载学院,北京  100084
    4.上海蔚来汽车有限公司,上海  201804
    5.中国汽车工程研究院股份有限公司汽车噪声振动和安全技术国家重点实验室,重庆  401122
  • 收稿日期:2022-05-06 修回日期:2022-06-16 出版日期:2022-11-25 发布日期:2022-11-19
  • 通讯作者: 白先旭 E-mail:bai@hfut.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Risk Assessment of Safety of the Intended Functionality Scenes Based on Driving Safety Field Theory

Hao Chen1,2,Hong Wang3,Weihan Li1,2,Xianxu Bai1,2(),Jiong Chen4,Chuzhao Li3,5,Qin Shi1,2,Jun Sun1,2   

  1. 1.Hefei University of Technology,Engineering Research Center for Intelligent Transportation and Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure of Anhui Province,Hefei  230009
    2.Department of Vehicle Engineering,Hefei University of Technology,Laboratory for Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (LASIS),Hefei  230009
    3.School of Vehicle and Mobility,Tsinghua University,Beijing  100084
    4.NIO Co. ,Ltd. ,Shanghai  201804
    5.State Key Laboratory of Vehicle NVH and Safety Technology,China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Company,Ltd. ,Chongqing  401122
  • Received:2022-05-06 Revised:2022-06-16 Online:2022-11-25 Published:2022-11-19
  • Contact: Xianxu Bai E-mail:bai@hfut.edu.cn



关键词: 预期功能安全, 场景, 风险评估, 行车安全场, 参数标定


Facing different test calibration requirements and emphases of the safety of the intended functionality (SOTIF) scene for autonomous vehicles (AVs), a risk assessment method of SOTIF scene based on driving safety field (DSF) theory is proposed in this paper. Firstly, DSF is utilized to conduct risk quantification on each layer of scene elements, and hence to achieve integrated risk calculation. The definition, architecture of SOTIF scene, and the parameters of DSF model are analyzed to prove that DSF model meets the risk assessment requirements of SOTIF scene. Then, the method proposed is applied to divide the vehicle operation scenes into three types: known safe, known unsafe and unknown safe/unsafe. For realizing scene division, different driving states in DSF theory are matched with the operational scenes of vehicles in SOTIF. Finally, closed field tests and road tests are carried out. On one hand, the relative driving safety indicator (RDSI) is compared with time-to-collision (TTC) to verify that RDSI can more accurately and sensitively assess the driving risk. On the other hand, it is proved that the method proposed can effectively fulfill scene division.

Key words: SOTIF, scenes, risk assessment, driving safety field, parameter calibration